Depression And Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety refer to common mood disorders that often exist simultaneously. According to the professional therapists and mental health specialists at the Rainbow of Resilience in Columbus, OH, depression and anxiety can occur as solo conditions or in combination and may have a significant influence on one's thoughts, emotions, and physical well-being.

Defining Depression

Depression is a mood or mental health disorder marked by persistent feelings of sadness and a perceptible reduction in one’s interest in doing activities that were once enjoyable. It could be influenced by –

  • A traumatic loss or illness.
  • Family history.
  • Biological changes (i.e., menopause/pregnancy/miscarriage).
  • Substance abuse.
  • Loneliness, and more.

Often, multiple factors interplay, contributing to a downward spiral of depressive symptoms.

Defining Anxiety

Anxiety refers to one’s innate response through which one reacts physically or emotionally to adapt to perceived threats – real or imaginary. Anxiety, when manifesting appropriately, is natural and a potentially advantageous reaction for times when you face genuine danger.

Anxiety becomes problematic when it-

  • Manifests in the absence of credible threats.
  • Remains chronic after the danger is no longer present.

Types of anxiety include the following-

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder refers to overwhelming or excessive stress about everyday life, from relationships to work, health, and more.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which is more commonly known as OCD, is characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts and repetitive coping behaviors that seek to reduce anxiety.
  • Social Anxiety Disorder leads to avoidance behaviors surrounding social situations for fear of judgment, embarrassment, and humiliation.
  • Panic Disorder occurs in people who have strong reactions (sweating, racing heart, etc.) caused by unexpected intense fear or discomfort.
  • Phobias, which manifest in various forms, represent intense and overwhelming fears concerning specific objects or situations. Examples encompass fear of heights, flying, and crowds.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which is more commonly known as PTSD, refers to the consequences of a traumatic incident. Symptoms vary but may include flashbacks, nightmares, and intense anxiety.

Treating Depression and Anxiety

Effective stress-management techniques, lifestyle modifications, and therapeutic approaches, including Strength–based Model Therapy, Trauma-focused Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, are available through our practice to help people learn life and coping skills. For more information about our in-office or online telehealth options, contact the Columbus, Ohio-based Rainbow of Resilience at 614-434-6117 or online

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