Trauma Therapy

Online Trauma Therapy

Have you struggled with feelings of detachment or disconnection from others? Have you experienced distress and/or life-threatening events?  Perhaps you notice you are easily startled and/or on edge? Are previous incidents still impacting you, and you just can’t seem to get past it? Rainbow of Resilience of Columbus, OH, offers trauma therapy online to Ohio residents to help you begin healing and enjoy a brighter future.

Guide to Trauma Therapy

Trauma comes in many shapes and forms, including childhood trauma, medical trauma, and trauma from natural disasters. It can occur in anyone and is common due to the many forms it takes. Many people who have experienced a traumatic event often spend years – or their whole lives – suffering from it. In this guide, the team at Rainbow of Resilience of Columbus, OH, and surrounding areas share how trauma therapy can help and who can benefit from it.

Who Should Seek Trauma Therapy?

Anyone who has experienced a traumatic event can benefit from therapy. Some common traumatic events include:

  • Illness or death of a loved one
  • Experiencing a life-threatening illness, yourself
  • House fires
  • Physical or sexual assault
  • Natural disasters
  • Car accidents
  • Severe injuries
  • Combat

It’s important to note that trauma is personal. Things that might not seem like a traumatic event to others might be affecting you.

For example, a loved one might have said something to you that normally wouldn’t seem like a big deal but has negatively stuck with you. It might impact how you act or feel. Therefore, it’s best not to determine whether you need therapy by the type of event but rather how it is impacting you. If you have symptoms such as the following, seeking therapy is a wise idea:

  • Nightmares or flashbacks about the event
  • Avoiding people, places, events, conversations, actions, or thoughts
  • Compulsive behavior, such as needing to triple-check your locks or having to sit facing the door.
  • Feeling threatened constantly
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Shame or guilt
  • Being irritable or chronically argumentative
  • Isolation
  • Trouble starting or maintaining relationships.
  • Impulsivity

What Benefits Does Trauma Therapy Provide?

Therapy can help you confront the issues that are holding you back. It can also help validate your feelings and concerns, as well as develop healthy coping mechanisms. It can also help you live in the present, create a more positive mindset, develop relationships, be able to think about the event without a traumatic relapse, and generally manage your day and life better.

Don’t let trauma hold you back any longer. Schedule a trauma therapy session with Rainbow of Resilience of Columbus, providing online service to Ohio, at (614) 434-6117 as the first step along your healing path.

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